Wednesday, August 1, 2007

No Movement

Morning Weight: 187.6lbs


For the second morning my weight has not budged (ok 0.2 lbs, but that's negligible). Seems very strange to me, because I almost never weigh exactly the same from day to day, but I guess that's how it goes. I did sleep fairly well last night, but I am still very sore from my Monday workout. Two days after a rough workout seems to be the peak of soreness, so I should be better tomorrow, especially since this is a rest day.

Even with my attempts last night to have a smaller dinner, it was still the largest (Calorically) meal of the day. And despite my attempt to consume more carbs during the day, the dinner I had was still protein heavy and thus kept my overall balance fairly the same. So today I am going to start the day the same way, with the same breakfast and lunch, and then I'm going to try to eat some veggies for dinner with very little meat to keep the protein down. I also want to go from a 700 calorie dinner to more like a 450 calorie dinner. And I need to increase fiber.


  • 1 Morningstar Farm Veggie Sausage Patty
  • 1 Slice of Orowheat 12 grain bread
  • 1 tablespoon of lowfat peanut butter
  • 1 packet of Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal


OK, now I need to get to work…


Lane said...

Maybe pickles are the culprit? They are pretty salty, so maybe it's just water weight (since pickles are so lo-cal). The good news there would be that's easy to fix :)

Annette said...

You have said it yourself that perhaps it is best not to weigh yourself everyday. I really DO agree. At the most, why don't you weight yourself, say, every Sunday and every Wednesday? I think there are daily fluctuations based on things we don't even know about.... and it seems to me that worrying about the difference of a pound or less is quite beside the point... but that's just me!

Lucy in the Arboretum

Where I have lived, visited and want to go.