Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Upcoming Races

One of the major reasons I want to reduce my weight (beyond just the "I'm Too fat" reasons) is that I want to regularly enter some races. Thus, the lighter I am the less pounding on my legs and knees during the race and the faster I will be. I already ran the Vancouver half marathon this year, but that was at my current weight and on a cold rainy day where I was not wearing clothing appropriate to a cold, rainy day. So I've entered a few races and am looking forward to even more.

The two I've signed up for thus far:

  • Covey Run 10K in Woodinville, WA on August 18
  • Victoria Half Marathon in Victoria, Canada on October 7

I'm getting excited at the prospect of running a PR half marathon in Victoria…I would have to beat a time of 1:52. My Vancouver time was I think around 2:06. I ran a 1:59 with almost no training in January 2006 (at my current weight-ish), so getting back to 1:52 seems feasible.

Races are funny because every time I sign up for one I get very excited to run it. Then on race day as I drag my butt out of bed at some "ungodly hour" (to quote my Mom)I think to myself, completely bleary-eyed, "Why did I ever sign myself up to do this?" But by the time I start running I know why. But then when I'm done and feeling miserably sore and cold (like in Vancouver this year) I start thinking again why I had signed up for the torture. You can ask Lane- I even told her to remind me of how I was feeling after Vancouver the next time I had the idea to sign up for a race. But two hours later I had already started voicing interest in signing up for the next race.

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Lucy in the Arboretum

Where I have lived, visited and want to go.