Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Worn Out

I ran a speed workout today. Where I was supposed to do 6 x 0.5miles at 8min/miles, I only was able to do 5, but that's still one more than last week. As the day progressed I was more and more sore from my workout yesterday so that by the time I did my run I was really sore. My hamstrings are always tight and today was no different. But I am going to try to alleviate that by stretching more during the day. I stretched my hamstrings twice during the day so that did help a bit. 
Anyway, I'm dead tired now and looking forward to my rest day tomorrow. It will be very nice to sit back after work! 
Diet wise I did well today, though I was trying to take in a bit more carbs and I'm not there yet.

Lunch: Pho Soup with Steak and Flank and a banana. 
Afternoon Snack: half-serving of almonds and apple juice.
Dinner: Lettuce, Grilled Chicken, Chickpeas, rice, olive oil. 

Total consumed today: 1854 calories. (gross, not net of exercise)

Holding Steady

Morning weigh in: 187.4 lbs

My weight this morning is exactly the same as it was yesterday morning despite a heavy exercise day. I'm ok with that…I'm sure that I consumed a lot of water yesterday and that not all of it has made its way through my system just yet. I had another good night of sleep, so that will help me with today and with my exercise this evening. Speaking of which, its speed day again which means that I'll be doing a 15 minute warm-up followed by 6x 0.5 Miles at 8min/mile pace with 2 mins rest in between. Then a 15 minute cool down. This is an increase of two speed repeats over last week's speed day, which went very well, so let's see how I hold up under the pressure today!

I'm going to make a conscious effort to eat a bit more carbs today than I have been. On average over the past week I have netted out with 40% of calories from carbs, 30% from fat and 30% from protein. That's fine if I'm not exercising heavily, but on heavy days I will need to bring my carbs up. So I started this morning with a little bit bigger of a breakfast than I have been doing. My dinners, while healthy, tend to be late (after 8pm) and so I am going to try to eat smaller dinners, which means my breakfast and lunch consumption will have to increase a bit.

So for breakfast this morning:

  • 1 Morningstar Farms Veggie Sausage patty
  • Quaker Instant Oatmeal – Apple and Cinnamon
  • 1 slice of 12grain bread toasted
  • 1 tablespoon of reduced fat Jif Crunchy peanut butter

So far this morning I still feel full, despite having eaten about three hours ago. Normally by three hours post meal, I'm getting hungry, so the addition of toast with Peanut Butter obviously had a good effect (in terms of keeping me going). I'll have to think about what I add to my lunch since I normally have the Vietnamese Pho soup, which is really healthy and tasty. Maybe I'll add a slice of bread for extra carbs, or some fruit…but the fruit in the cafeteria here lately has not been great. Maybe apple juice… any thoughts out there for some extra carbs for lunch??

Monday, July 30, 2007

GREAT workout today!

I worked out with my trainer Michael and then did a 40 minute bike ride on the stationary bike, and it felt absolutely great. My energy level is up, and my recovery time is decreasing. In fact, I was only going to do 30 minutes on the bike and I felt so good I kept adding time because I wanted to keep listening to my tunes! Finally I realized that if I didn't stop I would be eating dinner at midnight, which would not be conducive to sleeping well.

I ate very well again today.

Breakfast: one Morningstar Veggie Sausage Patty and Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal

Lunch: Vietnamese Pho Soup (Steak & Flank Steak with rice noodles)

Snack: Almonds and Apple Juice

Dinner: Broccoli, Chicken, Salad, Rice, olive oil.

Daily Photo

I've been taking a (almost) daily photo to document my weight loss. I posted my first photo of a week ago and then also my Friday photo right after I chopped my hair off. It seems to me that there is a noticeable difference in the photos, but in reality I was only down about 2 pounds at that point. I think it has to do with the angle at which the photo was taken as well as the lighting conditions. So from here on out, I will only be taking photos of myself from my good side! J

One Week In

Morning Weigh-in: 187.4 lbs

So now I am back in the weight range that I was in early June. So put it this way, if I had paid better attention throughout June/early July, I would have started my renewed weight loss efforts at this weight. Well, in any case, it's been a good week overall, and I'm settling in to some much better habits. Even if Saturday was a bit off the norm for what I should be doing, it's still way better than what a typical weekend would have been. And I got right back into the groove for Sunday with a healthy breakfast, a two hour bike ride (after the rain ended) and then Lane and I went to "The Harvest Vine"- a Spanish Tapas restaurant in our neighborhood. The good thing with that restaurant is the small size plates and the fact that they are delicious. We started with a small plate of Serrano Ham very thinly sliced. Then we had a demi-tasse (very small glass) of gazpacho soup. It really was about three sips worth…just enough for a nice taste. Then a fresh beefsteak tomato sliced incredibly thin with olive oil, vinegar and garlic (a bit too much garlic for me). Then we had two hot tapas: Atlantic Cod and Duck breast over potato. The two hot plates had about three bites for each of us, which was perfect to get a great taste, but not overdo it. Although the Harvest Vine has a fantastic wine list of reds, whites and sparkling wine from all over Spain, we stayed with water. A perfect dinner to end the weekend. Had I not done the two hours of cycling, it would have been a bit too high in calories, but not terribly so…it was probably 700 calories.

Now to settle into week 2: I started well with a good breakfast, so I'm on the right track.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Saturday Slip

Morning Weigh in: 188.0lbs

It's now Sunday and I guess it feels a little bit like Catholic confession on Sunday… I did slip yesterday, though not in a terrible way. Yesterday was one of those great Seattle summer days. The temperature was in the low to mid 70s. We went to see the Seattle Mariners beat the Oakland A's. As with any ballgame, there's an abundance of ballpark food and drink. At least I chose the best ballpark food I could- I had a grilled chicken sandwich and I chose the least calorie/alcohol content beer available: Miller Light. I didn't eat all of the Kaiser roll that the chicken came on, so I did save a bit there. But here's a beef I have with the concession stand- the sign clearly states "Grilled Chicken Sandwich with Fries". It did not say "Grilled Chicken with Cheese…" In fact they only put one miserable slice of swiss cheese on it…. I couldn't even TASTE it! So why do I have to consumer the stupid calories if I can't even taste it. Believe me, if I'm going to splurge, I darn well want to taste it!!! By the way, I threw away most of the fries.

So far, the day was going ok…not really a slip yet. But the day was young. We went to a BBQ at our neighbor's house for dinner. I did resist the tasty hummus and pita bread (I did take a little nibble for taste) but that was about the only self-restraint I exhibited. At least foodwise, the stuff I was consuming was healthy- steak, salmon and greek salad. It was the fact that I had beer and wine (not a ton, but enough to regret it) that ruined my overall day of self-restraint.

Now looking outside its kind of a typical rainy Seattle day. Usually, we don't have rainy days in summer, so it must be due to global warming/el nino/la nina/rabid penguins/overspending in the dept of education/pick your excuse here. I don't know how I'm going to get my 2hr bike ride in…guess I'll just get wet.

Saturday, July 28, 2007


I had one of those "duh" moments today as I went out on my run. It occurred to me about half a mile in that I was feeling great. My heart rate was lower than normal for the same effort/speed. I hit a hill and although my heart rate climbed, it peaked at about 163 as opposed to 175 which is what it normally does on that hill. So I started to think what was different. I normally run that course on Saturday or Sunday mornings, so the timing was not the difference. The difference is that I've had two great nights of restful sleep. I didn't have any beer or wine last night…although the night before a run I may not overdo it on beer or wine, the fact is that with even a few glasses of either I just don't get as restful sleep.

The other difference is that I ate very healthy for the last few days consistently. Its not like I eat bad stuff all the time, but when I do, I tend to do it on the weekends, starting Friday night.

I knew that eating and drinking has adverse effects on how I feel in general and in particular when I exercise. But seeing it on my heart rate monitor really made me think to myself.. "well, DUH!"

Saturday is here

Weigh in: 190.0lbs

First thought was disappointment that I only lost 0.2 lbs last night when I know I did well on my diet and came in at 1700 calories. But then I remembered that I did not do any exercise yesterday so it really was a day where I was about 600 calories below my basal metobolic rate, so the 0.2 lbs makes more sense in that context. I shouldn't be retaining water anymore...my sodium intake has been good and I've not eaten any junkfood or had any alcohol- two thing that can assist in water retention. 

The reason I am concerned with water retention is due to my elevated blood pressure. Because of that there's something about my body that tends to retain water any time I do not eat healthy. So if I gain a pound or two overnight (as I have done), I know its due to water retention and then that's  a great clue to me that something was not right food-wise the day before. 

Friday, July 27, 2007


At long last...Friday night! What better way to start the weekend than to get a haircut. Or rather cut it yourself with the help of your fiancee. I'm figuring that's at LEAST a pound! 

I still have 300 calories to go for today and I've already had dinner. While that sounds good, I just don't know what to eat that's healthy... I guess I could just have a little bit more chicken and rice, but that's boring. I could take spoonful of Nutella, but we don't keep any of that around. A glass of wine would do the trick, but I don't want to go there. 

So I'll just sit here and dream of different options. 

Oh and one major accomplishment from today: I had a team meeting today and we were celebrating a colleague's 10th year anniversary with the company. So for this celebration there was a MAJOR spread of food and wine and beer.... there was hummus as well as two other dips, and pita bread, chicken on skewers, all sorts of fruit dipped in chocolate, red wine, white wine, corona.... And the reason I am bringing this up is that I exhibited a HUGE amount of willpower and had NONE of it!! I resisted! I can't even believe it myself- all that free food and drink and I walked away from it!

Here was the menu for today:
Lunch: Pho Soup (steak and flank with rice noodles)
Dinner: Salad with rice and chicken and dijon dressing and two popsicles. 1400 out of 1700 calories consumed. 

Welcome Rest Day

Morning Weigh in: 190.2lbs

Things I am excited about today:

  • It's a rest day for me. My legs are feeling like very heavy butter (they are hard to lift and feel like they are not as rock solid as usual!). No running or cycling for me tonight as I rest up for my weekend activities.
  • I got a great 9 hours of solid deep sleep last night. Usually I wake up numerous times in the night…last night it was only once, at 4am and I went right back to sleep. After two days of poor sleep, I needed it. (apologies for all you permanently sleep deprived people out there… I am not someone who can get by on 6 hours)
  • The kitchen is a mess, but the housecleaning service comes tomorrow and so they can wash the dishes (it's the little things in life that make me happy).
  • The weekend is here and its going to be a great weekend- we're going to play tennis, go to see the Mariners stop their 7 game losing streak and start working toward capturing the AL West, cycle and finally veg out! (Oh and a weekend BBQ with the neighbor to boot!)
  • I did well on my diet overall this week. Now to remain true to it over the weekend…
  • I ate breakfast this morning- helping to reinforce a positive trend this week of eating a healthy breakfast to start my day.

Thursday, July 26, 2007


It occurs to me that sleep is really important (yes I am a bit slow for a almost 38 year old). What I mean by that is that I slept horribly the last two nights and it had a major effect on my run today. What was supposed to be a nice easy warmup and then three hill repeats turned into a nightmare run only 2 miles in. Before I even got to the hill... I was exhausted and feeling a complete loss of energy. It wasn't my food intake- I did well again today...I really think it was the sleep catching up with me. 

Lunch today: Pho
Snack: Almonds and Apple Juice
Dinner: Salad with Celery, rice, and chicken with olive oil, dijon mustard and vinegar dressing. 
Desert: Dreyer's fruit bar

What comes around….

…goes around. Morning weight: 191.4

This is the effect of cheating on Tuesday night… it takes some time for the body to catch up and so that's what I'm experiencing today. Water retention due to Tuesday night activities and a bit too much sodium in yesterday's diet. I'm not concerned about it, I'm still in the fine-tuning stage and will get the kinks worked out of the system. This is also why weighing yourself every day can be overkill… It makes you feel really good when you drop, but on days when you remain steady or gain back a little bit, it can be demotivational. I'm not going to let it demotivate me today, however. I know that I did a good job on my diet and exercise yesterday and I'm confident that that will be reflected in tomorrow morning's weight.

Hill repeats this afternoon (running). I haven't run hill repeats in several years at this point. (I've run rolling hill courses, but just not hill repeats).

Oh and I ate breakfast this morning, so I did the right thing to get the day going…just had to get up )#$*&(& early to do that!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Beautiful Summer Seattle Day

Today was an absolutely beautiful sunny Seattle summer day... the temperature was in the mid 70s and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. I took advantage by going on a two hour bike ride this evening on the Sammamish River trail. My legs were a bit tired from my half mile speed repeats on the treadmill yesterday, so I kept my bike in a relatively low gear and just spinned faster without a lot of resistance. Starting from Marymoor park I headed north directly into the wind. I didn't realize how strong the wind was until I turned around at the halfway point. My speed on the way back was about 4mph faster with my heart rate lower than the first part of the ride. All in all, a great ride. 

Food-wise I had a great day with the exception that I skipped breakfast again. I slept too late and had a 9am meeting. I was going to get some fruit and a hard-boiled egg at the work cafe, but I pulled into the garage at 8:55AM, so no time to eat. 

I had my traditional lunch of Pho soup and had a small filet mignon with rice and peas for dinner. I also had a serving of Hamburger Helper Cheeseburger Macaroni that my fiancee made.

I'm way below on my calorie count for today, but I'm feeling full, so I'm not planning on eating any more this evening. 

There goes the water

Check-in this morning: Weight: 190.4

That's down two pounds from yesterday. One pound equals 3500 calories, so clearly I burned off 7000 calories yesterday. Well not quite… This is the fun part of the diet. As I become more conscious of what I eat, I am eating healthier. As that happens my body releases stored water and that water weighs a lot. From past experience, my body can sometimes store up to 4-5 pounds of water, so its not inconceivable for me to lose a few more pounds rapidly. After that I will have to remain strict on my diet to continue to lose, and it will be interesting to see how much I lose on a daily/weekly basis once I've shed the rest of the water weight. Also from past experience, it only takes one night of poor eating habits to gain back the water weight, so no cheating on the diet!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Black is Slimming

By the way, black is known as the slimming color (even though it is not a color), so that's why I chose this theme! J

End of a decent day

With exercise today I have used 1246 of 1849 calories. The good thing about that is that we went out to celebrate Lane's birthday and we made a conscious decision that we would not worry about our diets for one night. I know those of you who are reading this are going to say that this is one day after the diets started, and I agree that its bad timing. However, given that this will one day be a National Holiday (much as the 9th of August will be as well) we decided it was OK. So even with going out to a delicious Italian restaurant in our neighborhood, we still managed to do well . Part of that is because I had an awesome day at the gym. Today was my first speed workout, and I did 4 X .5 mile repeats, and as I was driving home with Lane I commented that I felt great…sort of like I had an exercise buzz.

Anyway, dinner was great, I did cheat on my alcohol restrictive diet, but that's a one day thing I am confident and I think I will be on track . tomorrow morning when I weigh in, I may not be as optimistic, but I will at least understand why I didn't lose more than I wanted.

By the way, the rest of the day, I did very well- I had a very healthy salad for lunch which had some protein, but only a tiny bit of olive oil for fat. I had almonds and apple juice for lunch… a good combination of healthy fats, protein and carbs.

Popcorn- Deceptive Treat

Weigh-in this morning: 192.2lbs.


That's right folks, I've lost 20% of a pound. Woo hoo. I'm unexcited…doing the math, 20% of 1 pound equals 700 calories. That would mean that I ran a calorie deficit of 700 calories yesterday to reduce by 20% of a pound. However, I know that I actually ran much more than that given that I exercised for 45 minutes which was around 400-500 calories, and I ate around 1300 calories yesterday. I would have to eat around 2200-2400 calories a day to stay even, so that would indicate that I'm at a deficit of 1600 calories for yesterday. But of course it doesn't quite work like that. Several factors come in to play.


Like Popcorn. Evil Popcorn. So low in calories. So pleasing to the palate. Tempting Popcorn. I had two bags of it last night for a grand total of 60 calories. Its low in calories, its not high in sodium… BUT it absorbs water like nobody's business, so looking at the scale this AM I had the demotivational .2 pounds to deal with.


Experts would probably tell me that this is why you shouldn't weigh yourself everyday.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Fifteen Percent Loss Club

15% is the percent of my current weight that I want to lose. That equates to 30lbs. I have tried to lose weight for two years now, with no success. I lose a bit here and there, but invariably I gain it right back and even more. So this blog will keep me honest... I will record my daily intake and exercise and much more. 

This time I know it will be different. I will hopefully hit my goal weight sometime in October, and my plan is to continue to document my intake and exercise to maintain that weight. It will take some sacrifice, but its all about knowing why I failed in the past. So why did I fail? 
  • I assumed if I increased my exercise, I wouldn't have to adjust my food intake. Wrong. On a recent week I put in 10 hours of cardio (most pretty intense) and STILL gained weight!
  • I told myself that I can start next week. After two years of that, its clear that next week is not the right time to start..
  • I like savory muchies - chips, dip etc.... I know that this has contributed to way overeating. 
For the next month I will kickstart this diet by consuming no chips/dip or other high-calorie/high salt muchies. I also will give up alcohol entirely for the next month to reduce the empty calories that I have been consuming. Every little bit will help!

Let's start with today... I was good today- I consumed less than my 1800 calorie daily goal and I ate pretty healthy food at that. I had Vietnamese Pho soup for lunch, some apple juice as a snack and a healthy salad with tuna, and some popcorn for desert. The one thing I didn't do today which was a major weight-loss faux-pas is I didn't have any breakfast. I got home late last night and so I was dead tired this morning and prioritized sleep over breakfast. 

For exercise today I ran for 45 minutes at the gym...a good workout with my heart rate in the right zone for a longer run. 

I started today at 192.4 lbs...that MUST be the highest reading I see in the next 3 months (and thereafter!)

Lucy in the Arboretum

Where I have lived, visited and want to go.