Sunday, July 29, 2007

Saturday Slip

Morning Weigh in: 188.0lbs

It's now Sunday and I guess it feels a little bit like Catholic confession on Sunday… I did slip yesterday, though not in a terrible way. Yesterday was one of those great Seattle summer days. The temperature was in the low to mid 70s. We went to see the Seattle Mariners beat the Oakland A's. As with any ballgame, there's an abundance of ballpark food and drink. At least I chose the best ballpark food I could- I had a grilled chicken sandwich and I chose the least calorie/alcohol content beer available: Miller Light. I didn't eat all of the Kaiser roll that the chicken came on, so I did save a bit there. But here's a beef I have with the concession stand- the sign clearly states "Grilled Chicken Sandwich with Fries". It did not say "Grilled Chicken with Cheese…" In fact they only put one miserable slice of swiss cheese on it…. I couldn't even TASTE it! So why do I have to consumer the stupid calories if I can't even taste it. Believe me, if I'm going to splurge, I darn well want to taste it!!! By the way, I threw away most of the fries.

So far, the day was going ok…not really a slip yet. But the day was young. We went to a BBQ at our neighbor's house for dinner. I did resist the tasty hummus and pita bread (I did take a little nibble for taste) but that was about the only self-restraint I exhibited. At least foodwise, the stuff I was consuming was healthy- steak, salmon and greek salad. It was the fact that I had beer and wine (not a ton, but enough to regret it) that ruined my overall day of self-restraint.

Now looking outside its kind of a typical rainy Seattle day. Usually, we don't have rainy days in summer, so it must be due to global warming/el nino/la nina/rabid penguins/overspending in the dept of education/pick your excuse here. I don't know how I'm going to get my 2hr bike ride in…guess I'll just get wet.

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Lucy in the Arboretum

Where I have lived, visited and want to go.