Wednesday, July 25, 2007

There goes the water

Check-in this morning: Weight: 190.4

That's down two pounds from yesterday. One pound equals 3500 calories, so clearly I burned off 7000 calories yesterday. Well not quite… This is the fun part of the diet. As I become more conscious of what I eat, I am eating healthier. As that happens my body releases stored water and that water weighs a lot. From past experience, my body can sometimes store up to 4-5 pounds of water, so its not inconceivable for me to lose a few more pounds rapidly. After that I will have to remain strict on my diet to continue to lose, and it will be interesting to see how much I lose on a daily/weekly basis once I've shed the rest of the water weight. Also from past experience, it only takes one night of poor eating habits to gain back the water weight, so no cheating on the diet!!

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Lucy in the Arboretum

Where I have lived, visited and want to go.