Thursday, July 26, 2007

What comes around….

…goes around. Morning weight: 191.4

This is the effect of cheating on Tuesday night… it takes some time for the body to catch up and so that's what I'm experiencing today. Water retention due to Tuesday night activities and a bit too much sodium in yesterday's diet. I'm not concerned about it, I'm still in the fine-tuning stage and will get the kinks worked out of the system. This is also why weighing yourself every day can be overkill… It makes you feel really good when you drop, but on days when you remain steady or gain back a little bit, it can be demotivational. I'm not going to let it demotivate me today, however. I know that I did a good job on my diet and exercise yesterday and I'm confident that that will be reflected in tomorrow morning's weight.

Hill repeats this afternoon (running). I haven't run hill repeats in several years at this point. (I've run rolling hill courses, but just not hill repeats).

Oh and I ate breakfast this morning, so I did the right thing to get the day going…just had to get up )#$*&(& early to do that!

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Lucy in the Arboretum

Where I have lived, visited and want to go.