Tuesday, July 24, 2007

End of a decent day

With exercise today I have used 1246 of 1849 calories. The good thing about that is that we went out to celebrate Lane's birthday and we made a conscious decision that we would not worry about our diets for one night. I know those of you who are reading this are going to say that this is one day after the diets started, and I agree that its bad timing. However, given that this will one day be a National Holiday (much as the 9th of August will be as well) we decided it was OK. So even with going out to a delicious Italian restaurant in our neighborhood, we still managed to do well . Part of that is because I had an awesome day at the gym. Today was my first speed workout, and I did 4 X .5 mile repeats, and as I was driving home with Lane I commented that I felt great…sort of like I had an exercise buzz.

Anyway, dinner was great, I did cheat on my alcohol restrictive diet, but that's a one day thing I am confident and I think I will be on track . tomorrow morning when I weigh in, I may not be as optimistic, but I will at least understand why I didn't lose more than I wanted.

By the way, the rest of the day, I did very well- I had a very healthy salad for lunch which had some protein, but only a tiny bit of olive oil for fat. I had almonds and apple juice for lunch… a good combination of healthy fats, protein and carbs.

1 comment:

Lane said...

But the dinner was so much fun!!! Worth the splurge...

Lucy in the Arboretum

Where I have lived, visited and want to go.