Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Morning Weight: 182.8lbs

I took the day off yesterday from exercise as my legs were feeling way tired after the 11 mile run on Sunday. Overall, I think the Endurox recovery drink did a good job- my legs were not really all that sore after the run and on Monday…just tired. I think that's what the Endurox is supposed to do- speed muscle recovery.

I made a chicken/pork/sausage Paella on Sunday night and it was delicious. The recipe said that it would feed four people, but both Lane and I thought that was a bit off…this thing could have fed 6-8 people. We were initially shocked at the caloric value- something like 2800 calories for the full dish, but when we divided into portions each 1/8 of the total we realize that it's a very healthy 350 calories. And I have to say it tastes great as a leftover…I had another portion of it last night for dinner.

So I am excited because I came out of the weekend weighing less than what I went into the weekend, and I know that my weekends are normally my problem times. I guess getting a really long run in helps to burn some of the excess calories from watching football, but also going to the football game with a clear understanding of what to avoid and still watching my portions helps.

1 comment:

Lane said...

Second the comment about the paella being delicious!

Lucy in the Arboretum

Where I have lived, visited and want to go.