Thursday, September 13, 2007


I just installed Windows Live Writer as my blog writing tool. As you install that you also get the opportunity to install other Windows Live applications, such as Windows Live Mail. Windows Live Mail downloads all my feeds and I had the opportunity to re-read many of my blog posts from early August. Truth is that I lost a bunch of weight in early August but I plateaued in mid-late August and haven't made much progress since then. I really need to get to below 180lbs by the end of the month. This blog turns out to be good because of its permanency. In the past I may have been able to rationalize the gain of a few pounds, but if I look at the trend, i need to make more progress.


Enough analysis. Tonight I bought a kick-ass Flat Screen TV and home theater system for my house. I will be fully equipped with high-definition flat screen TV next Wednesday, and I cannot wait! So as long as I use it while riding on my stationary bike then I'll really see some weight loss progress! :)

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Lucy in the Arboretum

Where I have lived, visited and want to go.