Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Morning weight: 185lbs

My official weigh in is tomorrow morning, but I think I blew it this week with lack of discipline. I had ribs on Friday (I didn't eat most of the fries that came with it though), Paella on Saturday and Pizza last night. I did do some exercise during that time, partially mitigating the damage, but not totally… I ran 40 minutes on Saturday (wanted to run an hour but didn't have it in me), and yesterday I ran 30 minutes at a fast pace and cycled for 30 minutes. Tonight I'm going to run 45 minutes and then weight train. And I have to be disciplined with what I eat today and the rest of the week. I'll do a lean cuisine for dinner and no drinks!! I think in the end I will likely be equal in weight to what I was a week ago, so at least I haven't gained, but that's not a success.

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Lucy in the Arboretum

Where I have lived, visited and want to go.