Thursday, August 28, 2008

Great Running Music

Something that I didn't add to yesterday's blog... one of the things that kept me going and pumped up during my run yesterday was the music that I had on my Zune. On the way to the gym I heard "Firestarter" by The Prodigy. I realized that I had that album loaded onto my Zune, so I started it as I started to run. My run took me from "Smack My Bitch Up" to all the way through "Climbatize"... Very fast paced music and great to run with...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Great Morning Run

Morning weight: 174.6lbs

This morning I managed to drag my butt to the gym for a morning run. I had gone to the gym on Monday in the evening and I ran out of energy earlier than I wanted, so I thought if I ran in the morning today maybe that would be different. I walked into the gym thinking that I was tired and that this was going to be a crappy run. Boy was I wrong... I warmed up at 6mph for ten minutes and since I was feeling good, I bumped up to 6.5mph. Ten minutes later I bumped to 6.7mph. Finally ten minutes later I bumped to 7.0mph and ran for Ten minutes. That's 40 total minutes, and it felt great! I'm also noticing my mood is significantly better this morning than it was yesterday at this time... Don't know if its the exercise, but I'm just going to assume so! :)

This week is going to be a really solid week for exercised... I've already gone to the gym Monday, Tuesday and today. I'm meeting my trainer tomorrow, Friday AND Saturday, so I will have earned a very deserved rest day on Sunday!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Get Going Again

Morning Weight: 178lbs

I'm attaching my latest weight chart to provide some accountability for myself. As you can see the last two weeks have NOT been optimal. This past week I've been consuming too many salty foods, caused primarily from eating out almost every night. My weight is up about a pound from a week ago and you can see what large fluctuations I've had in the past two weeks. Clearly I did not have these fluctuations prior to this period, so I need to closely follow the guidelines of my diet now and get things under control.

I will be in Austin next week and will have no choice but to eat out, so I will not eat at a restaurant until then if I can help it. I also will talk to my dietician in another hour and a half, but my preference would be to not add anything back into my diet this week... I've not been worried enough about what I've been eating and so have not been truly paying close enough attention. So, I'm recommitting myself to this plan as of today!

Weight August 5

Lucy in the Arboretum

Where I have lived, visited and want to go.