After a several month hiatus, I am back. I stepped on the scale this morning and I am quite surprised that it didn't break. I am now officially the heaviest I have ever been, and I do not feel good about that. Of course I totally understand why I got to where I am, but that doesn't help matters. I knew I would not like the results already- I have been feeling the gain in all my clothing- none of it fits well anymore and that makes things quite uncomfortable.
So I am back to tracking calories in Calorie king. I am back to watching what I eat and following some simple rules on eating: measure my portions, eat natural foods like fruits and veggies, do not eat out much, do not eat bad snack items like chips etc… Its no wonder after three straight weeks of basically eating out that I would have gained so much, but now I need to buckle down. My new motto is : "Put the fork down, fatboy!" J
Need to start being serious about exercise too. This weekend I didn't do any exercise whatsoever. I guess it doesn't help that the weather in Seattle was miserable, but that shouldn't prevent me from going to the gym after all! So no more lying around. Hopefully next week at this time I'll have something positive to write…